Admissions Blog Posts

Top 10 Dorm Essentials

Last updated July 2, 2020

By Web Admin

Hi friends! I hope y’all are having a great week full of things that make you happy. When I was thinking about topics to cover this week, I thought about what I would want to know as an incoming freshman. So, here is a list of 10 essential dorm items I simply cannot live without! 

  • Command Strips: I hadn’t really used these before college, but now they’re my best friends! Because you aren’t allowed to nail anything in the wall, command strips are the next best option! They are strong, come in different types, and most importantly, they won’t rip the paint off the wall which helps avoid any maintenance fines at the end of the year. I use command strips to hold my pictures, calendar, small shelves, and so much more. 
  • Storage ottoman: I think I’ve touched on this in past posts, but I can’t rave enough about these things! There’s a good chance your dorm space will be smaller than your room at home, in which case you may need some extra storage options when moving to college. These ottomans are great as they serve as a comfy seat for guests, but also a great storage space! I had one filled with plates, cups, and flatware, while the other was filled with some of my toiletries, bandaids, extra hair ties, etc. I got mine from Target ! 
  • Mini vacuum: I am a HUGE supporter of having a mini vacuum in your dorm room. I’m talking like, one of the small ones from Target that can easily fit in your closet. Freshman year your dorm will most likely be a dark carpet, which hides dust / whatever else needs to be vacuumed. However, I’m here to tell you it makes a world of difference when you take literally five minutes to tidy! Sophomore you’ll 10000% need one, as the floors in Lakeside are laminate. My roomie and I would vacuum easily once a week and it really made our space feel more comfy and clean. 
  • Duffle bag: This sounds random, but I seriously recommend bringing a duffle bag that you can keep in your closet! I didn’t bring one freshman year, and ended up lugging my things around in lululemon shopping bags and random ikea bags. Having a duffle bag is so nice if you’re going on a weekend retreat with an organization, going to visit a friend at another school, or going home for a weekend.
  • Tension rod & curtain: This is SO important and often overlooked because it is a Furman specific necessity. In South Housing, or SoHo as we call it, the closets do not have a door. They are open and the first thing you see when you enter a dorm room. Because of this, many students will bring tension rods and a single curtain to serve as a makeshift door. My freshman roomie and I had simple white curtains that we closed to make the room feel more cohesive, and frankly, organized. It’s no secret that two girls have a LOT of clothes between the two of them, and sometimes it seemed easier to just shut the curtain and go about our day. 
  • Desk lamp: I didn’t use my desk lamp every single day, but when I did it really saved my life. I used my lamp when my roomie wanted to go to bed before me and I was still finishing up some homework before bed. The nice thing about having a desk lamp is the overhead light can be turned off so the room is dark, but your space is still lit up! I got mine at Target and suggest investing in one! 
  • Decorative hook: As someone who loses her keys more than the average person, I loved having a hook by the door of my room where my keys lived. This saved me so much time if I was in a rush leaving the room. Also, it adds a cute aesthetic to your dorm! I’ll attach a picture of the one I had. I used chalkboard paint pens to write on it! It quickly became a habit to drop them off on the hook whenever I returned home. 
  • Basic medicines: Before moving in freshman year, my mom and I put together a little bag full of different things I would need if I was sick. It included basic medicines like Advil and Mucinex, and various other items. At the time I thought it was kind of excessive, but let me tell you, when I had the flu my freshman year I was super grateful I had those items to make me feel better without having to leave the room! 
  • Food storage: Although freshman and sophomore year you won’t have a full kitchen, you’ll still need snacks and things like that! I bought a few cute decorative bins from Target where I could store my snacks. This made my room look more organized and having a designated place for food made my space more structured and clean. Also, I brought tupperware and plastic bags to store food if I was taking it out of the dorm room.
  • White board: This simple addition makes any dorm room feel much more personal! Grab one of Walmart’s $1 white boards that comes with a little pen and use a command strip to stick it on the outside of your door! It always made me smile when I would come home after class to a note from one of my friends or hallmates. Whenever my roomie got back from a break before I did she would write “Welcome home Alex” on our whiteboard and it always brightened my day! 

I think that wraps up my list of essentials! This is just a basic list of things that I used frequently, but if you’re feeling like you want a more detailed list, check out some of my past blog posts, or check on pinterest for an extensive packing list!

If you have any questions or concerns about Furman please reach out to me! My insta is @alexandra_rick ! And as always, Roll Dins!

Have a happy week!!
