Admissions Blog Posts

People to Jump Up and Down With…

Last updated February 7, 2020

By Web Admin

With the admission decision season upon us, it’s easy to forget that stalking the mailman or refreshing your email 3000 times a minute to see if you got in, are not the only important things in life. I can say this because I was in your place almost exactly a year ago. I was frantically finishing up my last few months of high school, applying for scholarships, and prematurely dorm shopping! 

But looking back, there are a few things that hold much higher importance… 

When you finally track down the mailman or get that email notification, you need people to jump up and down with. You need a person who will throw the confetti, do the happy dances, and brag about you on Facebook. 

For me, this is my mom. My mom was my biggest supporter throughout the entire college search, application, and admission processes. But it could be a friend, sibling, mentor, Dad, Grandparent, the importance doesn’t depend on who the person is, but rather the level of constant support they provide you. So my advice to you, remember to take advantage of those types of relationships, they’re rare. Admissions season is one of the most exciting, life-changing, crazy times of your life and you want to spend it with the people who are your biggest supporters, trust me! So, if you ever need someone to jump up and down with… I’m Your Girl- Rosemary