Admissions Blog Posts

5 Ways To Be The Best YOU This Semester

Last updated January 27, 2020

By Web Admin

It’s the start of a new decade and semester, so there’s no time like the present to reflect on how we can grow and learn from our past, but focus on improving our futures. This week, I thought I’d help you hit the ground running with some tips & tricks on how to be the best, happiest, and most productive YOU this semester! 

Organize your dorm or apartment:

 Having a messy workspace and living space is most definitely not the move for promoting a positive work environment. Whether you prefer to grind it out in the lib all night or retreat to your cozy dorm as I do, I suggest taking the 5 minutes to make your bed and put your clothes away when you’re leaving in the morning. If you’re feeling really ~crazy~, maybe even take a Lysol wipe to the countertops and vacuum your floor! One of my favorite organizational hacks is the Marie Kondo folding method. I’ve attached a picture of what my drawer looks like, and a step by step guide. My mom and I are BIG fans. 

Only check social media twice a day:

This is one of my goals for myself in 2020. I often find myself spending hours (legitimately hours) scrolling through all of my social media. But, I’ve also recently been aware of the fact that too much screen time can be linked to anxiety, depression, and even your grades are affected. Another reason to let go of screen time is that it allows us to live in the moment. Too often I am on my phone and my best friend will say something to me, followed by, “Alex, did you hear that?” The answer is always no because I am too absorbed in what I am looking at on my phone and I miss living in the moment with her. So, be conscious starting this second semester about just how much time you’re spending on your phone. 

Listen to your body: 

We’re all college students– which means we stay up later than we should, go to cookout in the middle of the night, and wake up at zero dark thirty for classes. Now, these things aren’t necessarily bad individually, but when putting them all together, it’s not ideal. So, I encourage you to listen to your body. When you’re getting tired, let yourself get the sleep your body needs to be productive. If you know you’re not a morning person, try to avoid 8:30 classes in your schedule. If you do have to take them, then allow for earlier bedtime or a nap throughout the day. And regarding cookout, occasionally it’s not the ~worst~ thing to eat a whole tray at 2 am (I think we’ve all been there), but maybe stock your room with healthier snacks so you have options.

Hit the PAC:

I know everyone’s New Years’ resolutions are full of going to the gym which is GREAT, but I encourage you to stick to it throughout the whole semester. Even going to the PAC a few times a week is great for both your mental and physical health. Whenever I’m feeling anxious or stressed and I turn to working out, I find myself leaving feeling refreshed with an open mind, ready to conquer the rest of the day. In addition to all the health benefits, this is a great study break to help clear your mind. 

Set daily, weekly, and monthly goals: 

I am a huge fan of my planner. I just got a pack of 30 different color pens, and you already know each class and club has a designated pen color! I carry my planner everywhere, and I make sure to have goals for the day, week, and month. As you can imagine, the daily goals are smaller things like, “read for history class”, or “go for a run”, while my goals for the week or month are bigger things like, “complete research paper for psych”, or “find a weekend to go home to visit fam!” Crossing things off my goals list makes me feel like I’m killing the game, even if it’s something small. I highly encourage y’all to try this method so you can feel like you’re accomplishing things when you may be feeling overwhelmed. 

Link to my fun pens:

Link to my planner:

As you start this next week, remember you are capable of anything you put your mind to! These five tips and tricks really help me feel like the best version of myself, and I really hope y’all will consider implementing some of these into your daily lives. If you ever need a good pump-up speech please let me know–I always want you all to feel loved and supported. 

If you have any questions or concerns about Furman please reach out to me! My insta is @alexandra_rick ! And as always, Roll Dins!

Have a happy week, 
