Admissions Blog Posts

Furman Semester-Long Study Away Options

Last updated October 22, 2019

By Web Admin

Before I get into spotlights of the specific study away programs Furman offers, I think it’s important to describe the different types of study away options you can apply for as a Furman student! There really are options that fit every students’ preference, and I will separate them into three different categories: Furman Faculty-Led programs, Furman Affiliate Programs, and Non-Furman programs.

One thing that is a concern for a lot of students who want to study abroad is finances. How the heck are you supposed to finance a semester in Europe/ wherever if you have a scholarship at Furman? Well, Furman is unique in that if you want to participate in a Furman Affiliate or Faculty-Led semester-long study abroad, both your financial aid AND scholarship transfer over. So, you will be paying the exact same in another country as you would be paying at Furman. It is so rare that universities make study abroad so accessible, so it comes to no surprise that many Furman students do choose to study away for a semester. In my opinion, how could you not?

Furman Faculty-Led Programs

Furman offers faculty-led programs to many places around the world, including Belgium, Scotland, and Spain, and Washington DC to name a few. In these programs, you travel with solely Furman students and are taught at least one class by a Furman professor. This is a great option for students who are a bit apprehensive to go abroad in that they still get the comfort of being with Furman students and faculty. This is also a great options for students who need to take classes major-specific, as many of the programs are geared towards specific majors and sometimes you can knock out three or four of your major-required classes.

Furman Affiliate Programs

Furman affiliate programs are a little different. You will travel with some Furman students, but a significantly less amount, and Furman students will not be the only students in your program. Often times you will attend a different university and no Furman professor will teach you. The program I am on, DIS Copenhagen is an example of this. There are a handful of Furman students in Copenhagen with me, but I don’t live with any of them and I take classes from Danish professors! This is a great option if you are looking to meet new people, live very independently, and get really immersed in culture.

Non-Furman Programs

If there is a study abroad program you are dying to do, but Furman does not offer it, do not fret! Furman allows students to do Non-Furman programs, still earning credit but doing programs through different universities entirely. Usually you are the only Furman student. Some examples include programs to Prague, Czech Republic and Semester at Sea! This is a great option for those who really want to expand their boundaries, learn how to do life without the comfort of the known, and go to places that Furman doesn’t offer!


When do people study abroad?

Students usually study abroad their Junior year. But, in some cases, students choose to study away their sophomore or senior years, depending on when some programs are offered.

Can you study away any semester?

Yes! Study abroad programs are offered both fall and spring semesters.

Can you study away and do complete a double major?

Yes! I currently study both Economics and Communications and I am able to get two Economics credits and one communications credit while I am abroad. You have to be strategic, but it is doable!

That’s all from me! Over the next few weeks I will spotlight different study away programs that Furman students are currently on.

Love & Laughter,
