Admissions Blog Posts

Welcome to Jaylon’s Journey!

Last updated October 15, 2019

By Web Admin

Hello everyone! My name is Jaylon Goodwin. I am a senior (and still in denial about it) here at Furman. I am a Biology major on the pre-med track and I hope you’ll follow me through my journey to the big GRADUATION DAY!!

Baby me^

A Little Bit More About Me

I am from (northeast) Columbia, South Carolina. I am the youngest and the only boy of three. My childhood consisted mostly of video games, school, and extracurricular progams tha encompassed leadership and the STEM fields. I went to Ridge View High School and graduated in 2016. You’ll get to know me throughout my blogs but i’ll try my best to give you some insight of my personality right from the jump. Throughout grade school I tended to be more on the quiet/reserved side, hesistant to put myself out there, and stayed very well within my comfort zone. Now, as a senior in college, I would describe myself still as the quiet and reserved person at heart but have learned how to be greatly social and put myself out there. People know what describe me as relaxed, funny, and determined. For those of you who like personality test, I am an enneagram type 7 ” the enthusiast”, wing 6 “the loyalist”, enneagram INTP-T “the logician”.


Jumping for joy on Orientation Staff

Now for some about me but in the Furman aspect! I have to say I really REALLY love this place. It’s brought me so many opportunities for growth and finding out who I am and where I want to go. You may be wondering what I am involved in on campus and I am about to tell you all about it! I am currently serving as the Senior Class President for our Student Government Association. This entails going to council meetings every week, organizing our class behind a gift that we will leave as our legacy, approving new student organizations, and deciding and voting on the budgets of all the student organizations on campus. I also served my Junior year as the secretary for my class. Sounds like a lot right? But that’s not it!. I am also a NEW member of the Furman University Student Activities Board a.k.a FUSAB. This board plans most of the biggest social events on campus and is LOADED with the whackiest and most creative people I know. These events include homecoming, concerts like Amine and T-Pain, pop ups like glow hunt (like tag/manhunt but in the dark with GLOWSTICKS!!).

My FUSAB Newbie Class!

I also serve as a member of the Orientation Staff. O-Staff is another group of people that have my heart. O-Staffers are the student orientation leaders that lead and facilitate groups throughout the summer during Summer and Fall-O, preparing all the incoming freshman for their first college semester, and helping them pick out classes, make friends, and feel at home.

My first O-Partner Emily and I on partner reveal night!!

I am also currently the reigning Big Man on Campus. This is a title given by one of our sororities on campus, Zeta Tau Alpha (ZTA). It’s a pageant style competition for men, that raises money for their national philanthropy which is Breast Cancer Awareness. The pageant entails several components being: fundraising, talent, interview, and bra modeling. There were about 9 other guys competing for the title. In the end, I raised $2,426 which is the most they have ever had a competitor raise and overall amount was the most had every raised from the pageant!

Big Man on Campus

My last huge involvement over these past 4 years has been Pauper Players. Pauper Players is our completely student run musical theatre group on campus. We have two full stage production every year, and two small cabarets every year as well. So far, I have been in 4 productions being, Hairspray, Legally Blonde, Heathers, and A Chorus Line, and have participated in 2 cabarets.

Me as Richie Walters in A Chorus Line

I think that’s about all I have to share with ya’ll for now! I hope you guys enjoyed getting to know me and my involvements little bit better and feel like you want to follow me a long on my senior year journey! See ya next week!